
DA Linda Stanley disbarred over misconduct

DA Linda Stanley to be disbarred over misconduct during Barry Morphew prosecution, state board rules


Eleventh Judicial District Attorney Linda Stanley will be disbarred for ethical violations on the job, a Colorado disciplinary board ruled Tuesday.

State disciplinary authorities found Stanley made inappropriate comments to the media during the high-profile prosecution of Barry Morphew, did not adequately supervise the prosecution of the case, caused numerous discovery violations, initiated a baseless investigation into the judge on the case and made inappropriate comments to the media in an unrelated case.

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“Taken in totality, a majority of the Hearing Board concludes that these ethical violations warrant respondent’s disbarment,” the 83-page disciplinary order, published Tuesday, says.

The decision comes three months after Stanley faced allegations of professional misconduct during a two-week disciplinary hearing in June.

State regulators accused Stanley of making inappropriate comments to members of the media and on a YouTube true-crime show when she prosecuted Morphew for the murder of his wife in 2020, among other misconduct.