
States Push Back On Gay Marriage Ruling

With the news that gay marriage has been legalized in all 50 states, more and more same sex couples are getting hitched!  It has been years of legal back and forth waiting for all couples to be able to have the freedom to get married.  Before this historic ruling on June 26, 2015, same sex couples had to get married in certain states or just have a commitment ceremony.

However, the celebration may be short lived.  There are states that are pushing to ban gay marriage.  Texas’s attorney general told county clerks in the state they have right to refuse marriage licenses to same sex couples if they have religious objections to gay marriage.

gaymarriage Image: Jose Antonio Navas

Alabama and Louisiana were two other states that have opposition to the ruling.  Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore said a new state court order could delay the practice.  Furthermore, Louisiana’s attorney state general said there is nothing in the ruling stating this is immediate.

Despite the negative reactions, many advocates are praising the ruling after years of suffering and oppression.  Finally, no one can deny the right to marry the person you want to marry.  Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster said he will move quickly to execute this ruling in his state.

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